
Off to the NC GIS Conference

I am off to this year’s NC GIS Conference in Raleigh. This event occurs every other year and has become known as one of the country’s foremost local GIS events. I will add occasional updates to this post through the Academic Assembly on Wednesday and then through the conference on Thursday and Friday.

The afternoon at the Academic Assembly has kicked off with Greg Ferrara talking about ITRE at NCSU and their work with the NC SHP on motor carrier enforcement.

Next is Eric Lester talking about IAVO’s application GeoGenesis including their free version GeoGensis Lite which you can download and play around with.

After a quick break Ken Galluppi from RENCI is talking about geoanalytics with a lot of focus on cloud. Switching to Jeff Heard to continue…looking at an infrastructure to build what Ken was talking about. the Big Board…teleconferencing over a map aka real time interactive map.

Now Ann Moss Joyner with Cedar Grove Institute is taking us to the use of GIS for advocacy and social justice.

I just sat down from my presentation. I talked about NCView and why other institutions should join.

Chris Badurek of ASU is talking about monitoring rural sprawl which I can say is definitely an issue in Watauga Co. and I hope to add to it some day ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thanks to Jeff Essic of NCSU for putting together the Academic Assembly.


ArcGIS 10 is here…on campus

Just a quick heads up that the campus labs should now all be updated to ArcGIS 10. This version has a lot to offer especially since we have jumped from ArcView to ArcInfo, but it also comes with a significantly updated interface. If you plan on using ArcGIS for class or research and do not have it on your personal computer I can provide you with the installation materials as well as free access to online training from Esri which you can check out at

I also plan to do a one day hands-on intro session to ArcGIS 10 sometime during the semester, I will send details out to the general faculty list and here on the blog once I get things firmed up a bit. Meanwhile, I have been using ArcGIS 10 for a few months now, so if you have any questions or issues let me know and I will see if I can help.


Spatial@UNCP – Episode 17

We are working to get an installation of ArcGIS Server up and running to provide campus users the chance to publish their ArcGIS content and share their work. This podcast discusses some of the steps you will need to take to get your maps ready for the Cloud.

Click here to directly download the mp3 version


What training would you like to see?

The most recent episode of the Spatial@UNCP podcast asked the question of what geospatial training would you like to see offered locally. On campus we have Intro to Cartography and Remote Sensing in the catalog and Intro to GIScience going in for approval in the Spring, but these are meant to support students who are learning the underlying concepts of spatial thinking along with topical concepts. I have also provided (and plan to continue) a series of short ‘what is’ sessions on campus. There is clearly a need for more intense hands-on training for these topics as well. So the question goes out… “what do you need”. If you, your agency, or your office need training in geospatial technologies let us know what you need. Where possible we will try to meet demand with no cost or at least low coast training courses. If you have thoughts on what is needed be sure to contact me with your ideas. If you can show an audience then it will be easier to get a training event going compared to those that might only have 1 or 2 people interested. I look forward to hearing from you!


Spatial@UNCP – Episode 16

An overview of geospatial technology training on campus and the question of what training you would like to see offered in the area (on or off campus).

Click here to directly download the mp3 version


Spatial@UNCP – Episode 15

We have a campus site license for Esri’s ArcGIS. I talk a little bit about the new version (10) and how to get it on your computer.

Click here to directly download the mp3 version


Introduction to GIS and ArcGIS โ€“ September 23

Here is the abstract for this Thursday’s session on ArcGIS at 10AM in Oxendine 2202. If you would like to attend, send Cynthia Saylor an email to register.
ArcGIS is the industry leading software for storing, manipulating, and displaying location information. The software allows users to take advantage of the wealth of spatial data that is available from government, corporate, and public sources. While the most perceptible use of a geographic information system (GIS) is to create a map to share with others, ArcGIS provides a wealth of tools to create spatial data, consume existing data, conduct spatial analysis, and model our world. The session will spend time (30-40 minutes) discussing what GIS is and isnโ€™t, what tools ArcGIS offers, and how ArcGIS can support your research, service, and education efforts. How to find data to support your needs will also be discussed. The remainder of the time will be spent in a self-led hands-on ArcGIS exercise.

The session is intended to provide attendees with a broad understanding of how ArcGIS may fit within their workflow. After this session you will have access to online training from Esri, the company who makes ArcGIS and, of course, time to ask specific questions about your needs for spatial analysis and mapping.


Spatial@UNCP – Episode 14

A lost episode from the spring, I talk about Where 2.0 and the AAG conferences and how they address the geography and geospatial community needs.

Click here to directly download the mp3 version or use the embedded player below to listen from your browser


ArcGIS Workshop September 23

The first geospatial workshop of the 2010-11 year will take place on September 23 at 10:00-11:30 in Room 2202 Oxendine. The focus will be on the utility and use of ArcGIS 9.3. The workshop will focus on a discussion of how the software can be used for teaching, research, and service. While the workshop is too short to go into depth on the software, attendees will be provided access to online training to extend what we cover in the workshop.

I assume that you should contact DoIT if you plan to take advantage of the workshop. I should also note that if you have specific questions about ArcGIS or any geospatial technology feel free to contact me for a quick conversation or one-on-one training.


Fall is falling upon us

It is, in fact, the end of the summer ‘break’. Both summer sessions went well from my perspective and while the online class wasn’t all that I hoped it would be, I think I did well for a first time through. The key is to not allow any wiggle room in terms of time, structure everything as tightly as possible. I structured half the class (the writing assignments and projects) and left the tests and exams open ended time-wise. Everyone got there writing assignments and projects in on time and most waited ’til the last minute to take the map tests and exams not leaving themselves enough time to do as well as they could. SO…the lesson learned…STRUCTURE EVERYTHING :).

With the fall starting, so too will the Spatial@UNCP podcasts. I am going with an every other Thursday schedule again this year and will probably lean towards mapping and cartography topic in the fall since I am teaching Intro to Cartography. If you would like to join me on a podcast to talk about how you are using geospatial technologies in your class, research or service let me know. If you have anything specific you would like to hear about let me know.

FYI, Geography Awareness Week is the week before Thanksgiving (Nov 15-19) and I hope to have at least one guest speaker on campus to talk about their work in Geography. GIS Day is always the Wednesday of Geography Awareness Week and I hope to do something during the activity hour that day on campus. Of course all of these things are contingent on not being crushed by the fall.