
Finding Spatial Data workshop

I am getting ready to do a workshop on “Finding and Creating Spatial Data” but I am going to minimize the creating aspect of spatial data this time around and saving the creating aspect to the fall semester. An hour and a half just isn’t enough time to really get into both finding existing data and creating your own data. If you aren’t able to attend but are interested in the links that I will highlight, the PowerPoint and handout are available over on the Workshops page where I archive materials from the workshops I lead.


Reminder: Intro to Geospatial workshop

For those of you on campus today (2/18), I will be giving a ‘get your toes wet’ session on geospatial technologies at 3:30 in room 1246 Science Building. I hope to see you there, but if you can’t make it the handout and PowerPoint are available on my new workshops archive page.