I am off to this year’s NC GIS Conference in Raleigh. This event occurs every other year and has become known as one of the country’s foremost local GIS events. I will add occasional updates to this post through the Academic Assembly on Wednesday and then through the conference on Thursday and Friday.
The afternoon at the Academic Assembly has kicked off with Greg Ferrara talking about ITRE at NCSU and their work with the NC SHP on motor carrier enforcement.
Next is Eric Lester talking about IAVO’s application GeoGenesis including their free version GeoGensis Lite which you can download and play around with.
After a quick break Ken Galluppi from RENCI is talking about geoanalytics with a lot of focus on cloud. Switching to Jeff Heard to continue…looking at an infrastructure to build what Ken was talking about. the Big Board…teleconferencing over a map aka real time interactive map.
Now Ann Moss Joyner with Cedar Grove Institute is taking us to the use of GIS for advocacy and social justice.
I just sat down from my presentation. I talked about NCView and why other institutions should join.
Chris Badurek of ASU is talking about monitoring rural sprawl which I can say is definitely an issue in Watauga Co. and I hope to add to it some day 😉
Thanks to Jeff Essic of NCSU for putting together the Academic Assembly.